I know that death is inevitable and puts an end to my earthly existence, but in faith I believe that it opens the way to a life that does not end, together with God. -Método compasivo que permite morir con dignidad. From a moral point of view, transplants are normally praiseworthy, while sterilisations deserve serious moral reproach. Then it is the subject of the moral act, the person with the capacity to know and to will, who must decide - according to his or her previously formed conscience - in the concrete situation. Unfortunately, they exist, just as they exist in relation to abortion, as we have learned when some of the promoters realised the terrible extent of their work, publicly repented and revealed the techniques they had used to intoxicate public opinion. In all these cases the end - seen as subjectively good - leads to very grave objective evils. The rejection of what is painful, of what causes suffering, is therefore natural to man. Encontrará más información en nuestras Políticas de privacidad. Europa Press, -un 51% declaran que, si se diera un caso similar con un familiar, estarían sin duda dispuestos a asistirle al suicidio, -un 38% de los encuestados manifiestan que “no saben” si se atreverían a hacerlo con un familiar, -eso sí, un 57% estaría dispuesto a que se lo hicieran si la persona fuera la protagonista de la situación y un familiar tomase la decisión de asistirle a morir, -un 93% manifiesta que es necesaria una regulación de la eutanasia. Is the issue of euthanasia a medical problem? Isn't the meaning of euthanasia too strict? With this word (from the Greek "orthos", straight, and "thanos", death), the intention was to designate the correct action in the face of death on the part of those who care for the terminally ill person suffering from an incurable illness. 86. (Os textos que se seguem não puderam ser publicados no Jornal “O Gaiense”, por falta de espaço, pelo que serão divulgados aqui no blogue.). © Copyright 2009 GELV COMERCIALIZADORA DE MEDIOS S.A. DE C.V. Todos los derechos reservados. Everyday experience provides us with examples of lives that are given up, spent at every moment in the exercise of family, professional or social responsibilities. - puede realizarse para evitar sufrimientos, que pueden ser presentes o futuros, pero previsibles; o bien porque se considere que la calidad de vida de la víctima no alcanzará o no mantendrá un mínimo aceptable (deficiencias psíquicas o físicas graves, enfermedades degradantes del organismo, ancianidad avanzada, etc. What should be the attitude of a Christian in the face of death? Medical ethics thus imposes positive duties to alleviate the physical and moral suffering of the dying, to maintain as far as possible the quality of life that is declining, to be the guardian of respect for the dignity of every human being. So capable of rejecting therapeutic stubbornness without any expectation of improvement, what is actually sponsored is the positive act (by action or omission, it makes no difference) of putting another to death, as if this deserved the same consideration as refraining from using unreasonable means to prolong a precarious existence and leaving the dying person to live as dignified a life as possible when death comes. It is one of the general principles of law according to which every human being must be respected and his dignity protected and protected by others - including the state - even if he explicitly and expressly renounces it. And for the same reasons, our Courts have recognised the right to force-feed those who put themselves in danger of death by hunger strikes, or the right of doctors to save the lives of those who put their lives at risk by attempting suicide, or the right of judges to authorise medical acts to save the lives of patients who refuse normal, risk-free treatment. Para otros, ese derecho no existe, ya que «el reconocimiento del derecho a la vida (derecho de afirmación) excluye necesariamente el contrario, es decir, el derecho a la muerte (Giovanni Criscuoli, en «Rivista Diritto Civile», 1977, I, pág. Este derecho tendría dos manifestaciones, la autodestrucción de la vida propia, por medio del suicidio, y la eutanasia, que justificaría otro nuevo derecho, el derecho a matar, en los supuestos de vida declinante y sufriente (la de los moribundos, para suprimir un dolor insoportable) y de vida depauperada y sin sentido (la de aquellos a los que se denomina «muertos espirituales» o «vidas sin valor»). Las encuestas reflejan que más de un 70% de los españoles aceptan la eutanasia activa voluntaria, frente al 80% de los holandeses. No. According to agreement , when a patient in danger of death has a definite chance of recovery (e.g. El feminismo defiende sus argumentos a favor del aborto en general bajo el derecho de la mujer a disponer de su propio cuerpo. Para muchos es problemático ver morir a la gente lenta, a veces dolorosamente. Quando procura ilustrar estas duas formulações do imperativo categórico, Kant dá o exemplo de alguém querer matar-se. Death is the inevitable destiny of every human being, a stage in the life of all living beings which - whether we like it or not, like it or not - constitutes the natural horizon of the life process. In fact, when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was drafted at the United Nations, this so-called right was not included, and this was not by unintentional omission, as there were several proposals to incorporate it into the Declaration, and they were rejected. This means that the above-mentioned tension exists today as in other times, and it is everyone's responsibility to ensure that, here and now, the demand for respect for all human beings does not admit of exceptions. The doctor must respect the dignity of the human person and not allow himself to be overcome by abusive medical technicalities. Publication: February 1993. In the face of physical pain, the health professional offers analgesia; in the face of moral anguish, he must offer consolation and hope. But experience shows that this logical leap is not possible. Human life, being a core value of the person, is not the absolute and supreme value. Respect for the dignity of the person, whose budget inexcusable is respect for his life, is not subject susceptible of acquiring or losing legitimacy through voting. Las personas que cumplan determinados requisitos: de edad (mayores de 18 años), de nacionalidad (españoles, residentes legales, y empadronados con más de 12 meses), de capacidad y libre consentimiento (decisión libre, autónoma e informada), y sufran una enfermedad grave e incurable o un padecimiento grave, crónico e imposibilitante. Well, the knowledge that, in reality, God's loving providence towards every human being is compatible with the existence of pain and suffering, shows us that pain - even if we cannot explain it - has a meaning. However, this idea is widespread even among people who consider themselves enlightened. Es decir, para el consecuencialismo se puede abortar o no dependiendo de las consecuencias del aborto. So, should we assume that it is impossible for euthanasia to be legalised in Spain, because it is unconstitutional? Argumentos A Favor De La Eutanasia RTF, Página 2 Argumentos A Favor De La Eutanasia RTF: sin resultados. Recently these written wills have been replaced by small "credit cards for an easy death". La opinión de los médicos está dividida, puesto que la mitad se dijo a favor “para disminuir el dolor” o porque “los pacientes no merecen esa agonía”; el otro 50% está en contra, principalmente por causas de objeción de conciencia, al señalar que si los médicos no crearon la vida no tienen derecho a quitarla. La Vendée recuerda la auténtica Navidad y a alguno no le sienta bien... menuda se monta, 84 aniversario de la recuperación de la libertad política de la Santa Sede. Libre para tomar responsabilidades sobre la propia vida,muerte. Human life is not for the Church an absolute value to which all others must be subordinated; what is an absolute value for the Church is the dignity of the human person, who is made in the image and likeness of God. Insofar as his own clinical situation makes him incapable of committing suicide, the holder of this supposed right cannot exercise his self-determination alone, but must necessarily involve other people in his decision. ¿Cómo se realiza la prestación de ayuda para morir? En la eutanasia prima la intención: suprimir el dolor por muerte indolora. Se trata de una decisión individual del profesional sanitario directamente implicado en su realización, la cual deberá manifestarse anticipadamente y por escrito. No. -un 4% cree que el suicidio asistido en este tipo de situaciones debería continuar siendo delito. Tal como establece la Ley, la Consejería de Sanidad está creando un Registro para que los profesionales sanitarios que se declaren objetores puedan inscribir su declaración. Euthanasia is the act of causing the death of a human being in order to avoid suffering, either at the human being's request or because it is considered that the human being's life lacks the minimum quality to be considered worthy. La vida es un don divino, que hay que proteger y cuidar lo más posible. ). Palliative medicine, which seems to have its antecedents in Great Britain, is still scarcely contemplated in the Spanish health care system, and it would be desirable that the public authorities should recognise its existence with greater sensitivity. A sua despenalização não obriga ninguém a morrer, apenas dá uma escolha a quem mais precisa. How do legal norms and states protect the right to life of human beings? Such laws on abortion and artificial procreation techniques have opened a gap in the coherent line of legal protection of human life, which some now seek to widen even further by permitting euthanasia. However, this word has since ancient times acquired another, somewhat more specific meaning: to procure a painless death for those who are suffering. En la formas a y b, en ambos casos, el médico es tan responsable como cuando receta una medicina para curar a un paciente. What is your overall assessment of Spanish legislation in terms of the protection of the right to life? 24. All Christians can and must contribute by our words, our actions and our attitudes to recreate in the fabric of everyday life a culture of life that makes euthanasia unacceptable. 12. Darle la libertad a los esclavos era absurdo y violar el código civil que consideraba a los esclavos como bienes, pero debemos avanzar sobre la base de respetar las ideas de los demás, y estamos lejos de ser homicidas". Yes, it is perfectly possible, because we men tend very easily to justify any means when the end seems good to us. Rather than being strict, it wants to be precise, and this for two reasons: firstly, because only by precisely delimiting the reality that we want to designate will it be possible to know what we are referring to; secondly, because this meaning also coincides with what the sponsors of the legalisation of euthanasia want to see prosper: that it legitimises one man's killing another given certain circumstances. The Church therefore condemns suicide and homicide in their various forms and for whatever motives they may be committed. Tip para encontrar Libros y Manuales: Incluye el nombre del autor. Euthanasia deserves the same ethical qualification if it is carried out by a doctor or a nurse in the technical environment of a hospital as if it is carried out, by any other means, by a relative or a friend of the victim. Si quieres participar en el debate ingresa a nuestra cuenta de Facebook aquí. 28. En primer término, conviene precisar qué tipo de derecho es el derecho a la vida, porque la imprecisión y vaguedad del lenguaje lleva fácilmente a confundir e identificar en su tratamiento a los derechos obligacionales, a los derechos reales (ambos de naturaleza patrimonial) con los derechos funcionales y los derechos de la personalidad (que se mueven en órbita distinta). The Church, which condemns suicide and homicide as an attack on a fundamental and inviolable good of the person, exalts martyrdom because it is a submission that the martyr gives up his physical life for the sake of values superior to it, such as his fidelity and love of God, thereby giving heroic testimony of a life consistent with the highest demands of the dignity of the human person, far from attacking this dignity, it is a maximum affirmation of it. La eutanasia. Si bien el punto de vista sobre la eutanasia no necesariamente se entrelaza directamente con la religión, a menudo afecta la opinión de una persona.Si bien la influencia de la religión en los puntos de vista de alguien hacia los cuidados paliativos hace una diferencia, a menudo desempeñan una función más . 30. 10. Es un órgano administrativo que debe crear la Junta de Castilla y León integrado por profesionales sanitarios (de medicina, enfermería, psicología ) y juristas, creado para garantizar la seguridad clínica y jurídica del procedimiento. Pamplona 34. Today, more strictly speaking, euthanasia is understood as so-called mercy killing, i.e. The subjective feeling of eliminating the pain or deficiencies of others is a necessary element of euthanasia; otherwise we would be dealing with other forms of homicide. Verdaderos adoradores. Quando o doente é capaz de decidir por si e fazer escolhas e decide recorrer à eutanásia, ninguém tem o direito de a negar. Los pacientes y los médicos que entiendan . The physician's duty is to remove the cause of physical pain or at least to alleviate its effects; but the human being is a unit, and the physician and other nursing personnel, together with the relatives, also have a responsibility to provide moral and psychological comfort to the suffering patient. La Ley Orgánica para la regulación de la Eutanasia, aprobada el pasado mes de marzo en el Congreso de los Diputados, entra en vigor en España este viernes, 25 de junio. Los defensores del derecho a morir dicen que las personas que pueden tomar una decisión deberían tener el derecho a morir con dignidad. By accepting them, the patient can set an example of generosity for the good of humanity; - refuse or discontinue the application of such remedies; - to be content with the palliative means that medicine can offer to alleviate pain, even if they have no curative virtue; and to reject medications or operations at the experimental stage because they are dangerous or excessively expensive. info@consalud.es, Todos los días y de forma gratuita la newsletter con toda la información del sector sanitario, SOSTIENEN QUE NO ESTÁN OBLIGADOS A REALIZARLA. This argument is one of the main ones used today for promote the legalisation of euthanasia. Mas no puede olvidarse que el suicidio no se castiga, no porque haya un derecho a morir, sino porque desapareció el delincuente, y no se olvide tampoco que hay un deber de morir, porque la muerte es ineludible y que, por tanto, ese deber se integra en el derecho a la vida, como derecho de la personalidad. 84. The broad social discussion generated by those "100 questions on abortion", the diffusion achieved by the text in Spain, in Latin America and throughout Europe, especially in the countries that have recently emerged from the communist experience, did not fail to be an important incentive for the Committee to fulfil its initial purpose of continuing that work on abortion with other similarly topical subjects. On the other hand, it is not possible for medicine to exist if the patient, instead of having confidence in his doctor to the point of putting his life, health and physical integrity in his hands, comes to fear him because he does not know whether the medical professional or the nurse in charge of his health is going to decide that his case is worthy of cure or susceptible to euthanasia. Cinco argumentos pro armas y cómo rebatirlos. However, the patient's freedom to receive or not to receive a certain treatment, or to undergo or not to undergo a surgical intervention, does not go so far as to force the physician to commit a crime such as taking the patient's life. Los ponentes fueron los docentes Ulima Enrique Varsi, doctor en Derecho por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; Ronald Cárdenas, magíster en Bioética y Biojurídica por la . A human being does not lose dignity because he suffers; what is unworthy is to base his dignity on the fact that he does not suffer. But how can ordinary therapeutic means be distinguished from extraordinary ones? All the attention of the members of the family unit is generally focused on the sick family member and, if survival is prolonged, the disruption can be long-lasting. As a concrete example of a perfectly valid and admissible "living will", the Spanish Episcopal Conference has approved and proposed to Christians. En los argumentos, a favor de la eutanasia, se hace referencia al vínculo existente entre la vida y la dignidad de una persona: El derecho a la vida se encuentra indisolublemente ligado con el valor jurídico fundamental de la dignidad de la persona, teniendo en cuenta que esta es el núcleo de proyección de los valores . Why does euthanasia turn against the doctor who performs it? Pese a que todo indica que la Cámara alta también apoyará esta iniciativa, aún surgen dudas, especialmente entre la . There is none. En este sentido, defienden que la experiencia generada en otros países “demuestra que el compromiso del personal sanitario es fundamental para que la eutanasia se convierte en un derecho real”. El estudio fue presentado en la mesa “La eutanasia en el mundo: derecho a una muerte digna”, durante la conferencia Pensar la Muerte, que organiza El Colegio Nacional. No. Proceso de la muerte y elegir el destino propio. With regard to euthanasia, are society's obligations limited to its prosecution as a criminal offence? On its favor, the autonomy of the patient who could make the decision on his life and death is argued. Al respecto se han pronunciado también representantes del Islam y del Judaísmo en Alemania. There are other offences in the Penal Code that are also intended to protect, among other things, human life: for example, failure to assist someone in danger, or assisting another to commit suicide, or causing fires or floods... and many others. The only thing that would happen is that the public authorities would not prosecute or punish those who kill others in euthanasia, because they would have accepted the legitimacy of violence and pure force as a criterion for regulating the relationship between private individuals. 10. In principle, everyone affirms that the end does not justify the means, but in practical, concrete life - in the particular case that concerns everyone - there is unfortunately no consistency between what many good people advocate that, if it did not affect them personally, would seem inadmissible. * del Centro de Opinión Pública de la Universidad del Valle de México, realizada para conocer la postura de los ciudadanos acerca de las decisiones médicas que se pueden tomar al final de la vida, revela un apoyo aparentemente mayoritario hacia el derecho de las personas muy enfermas a decidir sobre el final . From the victim's point of view, euthanasia can be voluntary or involuntary, depending on whether it is requested by the person who wants to be killed or not; perinatal, agonistic, psychological or social, depending on whether it is applied to deformed or handicapped newborns, the terminally ill, those suffering from irreversible brain damage or the elderly or other persons considered socially unproductive or burdensome, etc. 10. Dystanasia (from the Greek "dis", evil, something badly done, and "thánatos", death) is etymologically the opposite of euthanasia, and consists in delaying the onset of death as long as possible, by all means, proportionate or otherwise, even if there is no hope of cure and even if this means inflicting on the dying person additional suffering on top of what he already suffers, which will obviously not succeed in avoiding the inevitable death, but only in postponing it for a few hours or a few days in conditions that are pitiful for the patient. Por tanto, no debiera culminarse la prestación sin haber informado previamente y facilitado el acceso, en su caso, a los cuidados paliativos. This elementary principle of social ethics and common conduct implies that justice prevails over the autonomy of the individual, so that no one may harm another even if the latter asks for it. It is natural to fear death, because man is in happiness, and death is presented as a traumatic rupture with an uncertain destiny. There is, therefore, no contradiction between the Church's strict rejection of euthanasia and the fact that for the Church there are higher values than human life: to kill an innocent human being is a grave sin; for a human being to accept death in order to do the good that he or she ought to do or rather than be forced to do evil is a virtuous attitude. But Jesus did something better than uttering words about pain: he suffered total pain on the Cross, turning that pain and that death, through the Resurrection, into the Good News, giving it the maximum meaning: that atrocious pain until death is the maximum good of Humanity and gave meaning to man, to history and to the universe. Eutanásia - A favor ou contra? In both cases, it is a matter of one person killing another. Is there a doctrine of the Constitutional Court on whether or not the Constitution admits the right to die? But the human person is not a thinking and free subject who has been installed in a body; the human person is (also) a body, and that is why respect for the dignity of the person is absolutely incompatible with radical disrespect for the body, to the point of suppressing it because it is seriously deficient. Un extremo que podría evitarse porque . 40. Expertos opinan sobre la necesidad de regular la eutanasia. 18/05/2013 - 09:48 h. CEST. Contrario a lo que generalmente se piensa, el aborto es legal en nuestro país y está despenalizado bajo ciertas situaciones o condiciones que liberan de responsabilidad penal o penalización a la mujer, dependiendo del estado de la República Mexicana donde se encuentra. Euthanasia, moreover, precisely because it is the negation of medicine, turns against the doctor who practises it. This is a concrete example of how easily confusion is introduced in this subject by the different meanings that can be given to the same word. En Europa, tarde o pronto caerá esa fruta. También están a favor, aunque muestran alguna duda, el 17% de los médicos madrileños, el 19% de los vizcaínos, el 15% de los tarraconenses y el 13% en el caso de los facultativos de Las Palmas. - At the same time, the defenders of life in the face of euthanasia are portrayed as backward, intransigent, opposed to individual freedom and progress, etc. 47. Muchos de estos niños nacidos en hogares con extrema pobreza acaban en los orfanatos norteamericanos, en los que a día de hoy se encuentran unos 100.000. Al mismo tiempo, se insiste en otras indicaciones que recoge la norma, como que “permitirá ayudar a morir a una persona cuya salud se ha deteriorado de forma irreversible, que padece un sufrimiento intolerable y que, de acuerdo con sus valores, hace una petición seria e inequívoca de adelantar su muerte”. And this metaphor is used to justify a consequence - physical death - which is not metaphorical at all. That is why martyrdom or risking one's own life to save others is not only not a sin, but can be something valuable and even morally obligatory. La eutanasia eugénica, que elimina a los deformes y tarados; la eutanasia económica, que suprime a los viejos, inválidos y dementes; la eutanasia selectiva, que extermina a quienes no sean de «pura sangre»; la eutanasia judicial, que aplica la pena de muerte sin dolor: la eutanasia neonatal (forma de infanticidio), no son modalidades de la eutanasia, sino puesta en juego de la técnica de la muerte indolora. Obviously, it is useless to establish an objective casuistry of ordinary and extraordinary means, because this depends on such changing factors as the patient's situation, the state of research at a given moment, the technical conditions of a given hospital, the average level of health care attendance in one country or another, etc. (Os textos que se seguem não puderam ser publicados no Jornal "O Gaiense", por falta de espaço, pelo que serão divulgados aqui no blogue.) The human person is not the mere spirit, to which the qualities of the person as a subject would be appropriate: freedom, responsibility, moral value, etc., while the body would be a mere object, belonging to the order of things, and therefore lacking in moral value and dignity worthy of respect. This process has become extraordinarily complicated, and requires the emergence of a new doctor who is as attentive as possible to scientific advances and who has a deep understanding of the needs of the terminally ill patient. Suicide is lawful in our legislation, as it is in most countries of our culture. 90. If it is legitimate to kill a person in a given situation at his or her request, there is nothing strange in the fact that a person in the same situation - but without the possibility of requesting death - is also presumed to have a wish to die. Can euthanasia not be a manifestation of social solidarity? The fact that crimes are committed - obviously underground - is no reason why such conduct should be legalised. 520.3.#.a: En nuestra sociedad generalmente existe un buen argumento a favor de aquéllo que implica un cambio que rompa con la tradición, y por otro lado, una docena de argumentos (no tan buenos) en contra de ello, en ese sentido la legalización de la eutanasia sería un ejemplo. Should, then, every man give up the idea of fleeing from pain in general, and from the pain of agony in particular? El médico responsable consultará con un "médico consultor", quien, tras examinar al paciente y verificar que se cumplen los requisitos, redactará un informe que se incorporará a la historia clínica. These are all examples, among many others, of ways of spending, cutting short and risking one's own life for the sake of values of solidarity. However, is it not true that claiming that euthanasia should be prosecuted as a crime implies that one part of solitude seeks to impose its own morality or religion on another part? No, it is not ambiguous: it is profoundly human and realistic. Si el paciente desea continuar el procedimiento, el médico responsable solicitará el consentimiento informado e informará al equipo asistencial. He revisado recientemente lo que dicen sobre los cuatro grandes problemas de la ética del fin de la vida (eutanasia, ayuda médica al suicidio, encarnizamiento terapéutico y atención paliativa) los Códigos de Ética y Deontología médica de 39 países (22 de Europa y 17 de América) en más de un centenar de ediciones diferentes. According to this strange logic, tax evasion should be regulated in the borderline cases of taxpayers who have extreme difficulties in fulfilling their duties to the Treasury, so that they do not defraud underground. Bajo el control presupuestario del PP 5 millones de dólares para promover aborto en Perú, "The people have spoken...and they must be punished" [El pueblo ha hablado... y debe ser castigado], Solo 94 de los 196 diputados de centroderecha -UMP- votaron para evitar el "matrimonio" homosexual, Doctrina Católica en la política, sintetizada por Caponnetto. Thereafter, Hitler ordered a programme to be set up to apply the same criteria of "mercy" to similar cases. Entrevistas a diferentes personalidades…. That old aphorism encapsulates the whole philosophy of palliative care. The process described above responds to the most elementary human psychology: when something forbidden is allowed and begins to be practised, it is increasingly considered normal, especially if it is good business for some, helps to eliminate cumbersome situations for others and is also defended by some ideological currents. «Padecimiento grave, crónico e imposibilitante»: situación que hace referencia a limitaciones que inciden directamente sobre la autonomía física y actividades de la vida diaria, de manera que no permite valerse por sí mismo, así como sobre la capacidad de expresión y relación, y que llevan asociado un sufrimiento físico o psíquico constante e intolerable para quien lo padece, existiendo seguridad o gran probabilidad de que tales limitaciones vayan a persistir en el tiempo sin posibilidad de curación o mejoría apreciable. Pedir la eutanasia: entre el dolor, el entorno y el sentido de la vida Aunque solemos pensar en estados terminales al hablar de eutanasia, su legalización la haría disponible a cualquiera que afronta un dolor extremo, sea este físico o psíquico, el cual sea irreversible. This way of thinking has the consequence of relativising everything, and makes all legitimacy depend on the social consensus of the moment, which leads us to the absurdity of considering human rights not as the patrimony of every human being by virtue of the fact of being human, but as objects at the disposal of the will of the majority. Christ did not theorise about pain: He loved and consoled those who suffer and He Himself suffered even unto death, even death on a cross. lives which, because of their precariousness, do not deserve to be lived. Perhaps the most we can do is to imitate Christ: to say few words about pain, but to live the experience of making sense of it by turning it, in the hope of resurrection and eternal life, into source of love and self-improvement, to unite ourselves in spirit with the suffering of Christ, who promised bliss to those who suffer: to the poor, to those who mourn, to those who hunger and thirst, to those who are persecuted. Understood in this way, freedom is nothing more than the mere realisation that man can act without being coerced, but whether what he does is good or bad, just or unjust, praiseworthy or repugnant, is completely disregarded. Thus considered, euthanasia is always a form of homicide, since it involves one man putting another to death, either by a positive act or by the omission of care. Can the Church's teaching on euthanasia be summarised in a few words? There is no obligation to subject a terminally ill patient to further surgery when there is no well-founded hope of making his or her life more bearable. Entrevista a una nieta de la beata Concepción Cabrera de Armida. The fear of a painful and dramatic way of dying can become so intense that, by overriding all other values, it can lead to the desire for death itself as a means of avoiding such a painful situation. “Si el Estado es laico debe promover la ampliación de los derechos de las personas, que de ninguna manera afectan los de los creyentes. The same is true for many other situations in life, where it is not possible to establish rigid rules, but we have to act, based on the knowledge of general principles, with an upright and prudent criterion. ); parricide, if one kills ascendants, descendants or spouse; and homicide, if one kills another without any of the above-mentioned circumstances. No. There are even more important reasons why the State and its laws consider the right to life, which makes all the others possible and which, if lost, cannot be recovered, as it is the basis for the good it protects: the life of human dignity itself. In this second sense, the term "freedom" allows for an examination of human conduct that leads to more than the mere observation that it is in fact possible without coercion. Hay cuatro preguntas clave para el debate bioético de la eutanasia, las cuales están relacionadas de tal forma que la respuesta afirmativa de una da lugar a la siguiente: 1) ¿Tiene derecho un paciente a decidir la terminación de su vida? -a un 20% de personas a las que el caso les parece moralmente complejo, y muestran que “no soy capaz de tener una opinión”. This is one of the reasons why the terminological aspect is of paramount importance in this whole issue. 73. E se fosse consigo? Spain, Tel. But there is no catalogue of solutions that can resolve all the doubts and perplexities we face when confronted with the reality of pain and death. Article 409 of the Penal Code establishes that "whoever aids or induces another to commit suicide shall be punished with the penalty of major prison; if he aids or induces another to commit suicide to the point of executing death himself, he shall be punished with the penalty of minor imprisonment". With appropriate treatment, 95 percent of pain can be controlled. En caso de que no exista ninguna persona que pueda presentar la solicitud en nombre del paciente, el médico que lo trata podrá presentar la solicitud de eutanasia tras consultar el Registro de instrucciones previas (REIP). ", Nadeem Elyas, Presidente del Consejo Islámico en Alemania. These ideas are particularly evident in the case of agony, of the pain that may eventually precede death. En la Ley se define como "el acto deliberado de dar fin a la vida de una persona, producido por voluntad expresa de la propia persona y con el objeto de evitar un sufrimiento". Currently, opinions are growing and legislative proposals are being drafted that seek to widen the cracks already existing in the coherent block that a centuries-old tradition has built to actively engage the State and the Law in the defence of human life. Every human being makes himself during his life by realising the possibilities of fulfilment that are in his natural constitution, or by rejecting such possibilities. Disabled or malformed persons have the same rights as other persons, in particular with regard to receiving therapeutic treatment. Junto a la propuesta de recogida de firmas, la iniciativa incluye un alegato en defensa de la eutanasia. Nor does it refer to a notoriously bloodthirsty and inhuman people, but to a normal people, in which only about 350 of the 90,000 German doctors agreed to carry out these crimes, with the chilling results that have since become known. Many rights cannot be waived by their holder in modern societies. Es curioso que tales planteamientos, con una dialéctica admirable, comiencen por admitir la existencia de un derecho a la vida. La verdadera compasión es la solidaridad con el. Some doctors justify these actions by saying that it is in the patients' interest to die as soon as possible, but often the explanation is that the burden of keeping these patients alive should not be placed on society. healing of the man born blind; Jn. 806203 apardo@unav.es. If euthanasia is so reprehensible, how is it that there are people and groups that socially promote its acceptance? 79. When special circumstances are involved in the commission of a crime, the reasonable attitude is not to legalise the crime in such circumstances, but for the judge to take them into account when weighing the responsibility of the perpetrator(s), if any, in the corresponding trial. Entre el derecho a morir con dignidad y el derecho a morir matándose hay, sin duda, una enorme y radical diferencia. The latter is commonly known as "homicide-suicide" or "consensual homicide", and is punished in the same way as homicide, because for our Penal Code, as for ethics, killing another person is just as reprehensible if it is done with their consent as without it. This is legitimate even if it may eventually lead to death. Moreover, the argument of the patient's alleged right to decide how and when to die comes up against an insurmountable obstacle in practice. Conviene, por la dificultad del tema, por la confusión semántica (Ve Prefacio a «La eutanasia», de Giusto Giust, Ed. The former will never be admissible; the latter is. Pain and death are part of human life from the moment we are born in the midst of our mother's labour pains until we die causing pain to those who love us and suffering from the very process that leads to death. Rápidamente se generó un debate sobre si hizo bien el marido, si es delito, si debe ser la eutanasia un derecho, cómo regularlo...y los datos recogidos llegan hasta el 80% de aceptación de la eutanasia, según afirma la plataforma encargada de la estadística Toluna. On other occasions, one can speak more properly of therapeutic overkill, when terminally ill patients are used for experimentation with new treatments or instruments. In different times and cultures, the right to live has been denied by some to those who belong to other nations or other tribes, to those who are of another race or are enslaved, to the aged and infirm, or to defective women or newborn babies. The expression "vegetative life", which is a technicality expressing the realisation of certain vital functions, evokes the notion of "vegetable", thus trivialising the death of a deficient human being by vaguely assimilating him or her to a kind of plant. 82. 42. In the Netherlands, a sad experience of the practical admissibility of euthanasia - a unique case in the world - has been going on for years. A favor: De ahí que la gente no quiera voltear a considerar otro escenarios para sus familiares enfermos que día a día sufren de intensos dolores sin una esperanza de vida con calidad. Pero por el contrario, los derechos de los creyentes sí afectan a los de los no creyentes, y eso es incompatible con un Estado laico y con un Estado democrático”, advirtió el constitucionalista. Medical practice has abundant experience of patients who seemed irrecoverable and who nevertheless came out of very difficult situations. Isabel Alarcón. A eutanásia é o ato intencional de proporcionar a alguém uma morte indolor para aliviar o sofrimento causado por uma doença incurável ou dolorosa. El médico responsable, tras comprobar que se cumplen los requisitos, deberá informar por escrito al paciente sobre su proceso médico e iniciar un proceso deliberativo sobre su diagnóstico, posibilidades terapéuticas y resultados esperables, así como sobre posibles cuidados paliativos. Aunque la Ley no regula los cuidados paliativos, establece como uno de los requisitos para recibir la prestación de ayuda para morir que la persona disponga por escrito "de la información que exista sobre su proceso médico, las diferentes alternativas y posibilidades de actuación, incluida la de acceder a cuidados paliativos integrales comprendidos en la cartera común de servicios y a las prestaciones que tuviera derecho de conformidad a la normativa de atención a la dependencia". An obstacle to life is the attitude of those who refuse to admit the naturalness of these facts that constitute all life on earth, trying to flee from them as if they were totally avoidable, to the point of turning such a flight into a supreme value: this denial of reality itself can become a cause of dehumanisation and vital frustration. Judgments 120/1990, of 27 June and 137/1990, of 19 July, among others). In such cases, the state and the law deny validity to the expression of the will of the person Withdrawal . Um dos argumentos mais convincentes a favor da morte medicamente induzida é de esta fazer parte da liberdade individual e de ser inerente à autonomia de escolha que deve ser permitida . If motives were to prevail over the nature of the acts to the point of making them socially and legally justifiable, coexistence would not be possible, because any act, whatever it may be, could be legitimised by virtue of the intimate motives of its author. It is basically based on the recognition of the triple reality that shapes the process of imminent death in today's society: a terminally ill patient with physical pain and psychological suffering, an anguished family that cannot accept the situation and suffers for their loved one, and a doctor educated to fight against death. ¿Estás listo para superarlos? Not all supporters of euthanasia share all these arguments; but all, however, share the first two, and often the third. And what are the needs of these terminally ill patients? No entanto, importa realçar que, para Kant, o tratamento ético da humanidade engloba não apenas as outras pessoas mas, desde logo, a própria pessoa, eu mesma: “na tua pessoa”. If this is so, how is it that some say that euthanasia should be legalised in order to avoid therapeutic incarceration? Forgetting this principle because of the dramatic vision of profound handicaps leads inexorably to making the right to life dependent on the quality of life, which opens the possibility of placing the boundary of the right to life according to increasingly demanding "quality controls", depending on the Degree of selfishness or comfort that prevails in society. Não seria mais digno morrer no país onde nasceu, junto dos seus familiares? Those who try at all costs to flee from pain are probably destroying their chances of happiness, as this is impossible. Así, la eutanasia se considera un acto de piedad, que además respeta el derecho a la autodeterminación . Physical needs derive from severe bodily limitations and, above all, from pain, especially in cancer deaths, where pain is present in 80 percent of terminally ill patients. Proponents of euthanasia seek to take a step backwards by giving such power to doctors. Há duas formulações do imperativo categórico. When the sick person receives physical relief and psychological and moral comfort, he stops apply for to end his life, according to common experience. 97). If it were, one would have to admit the absurdity that rape, robbery and torture, if carried out consciously and voluntarily (i.e. Carta abierta a Pablo D'ors. Campaigns aiming at promote opinions in favour of euthanasia often develop in this way: - the first thing that is presented is a "borderline case": an example of a particularly striking terminal situation that excites the collective sensibility is sought in order to justify euthanasia in such a dramatic and singular case. There is no mathematical rule for gauging whether or not there is a well-founded hope for a cure. Los autores resumen lo que consideran las cinco razones más fuertes para oponerse a la eutanasia. registrado The state therefore has the right, and even the duty, not to burden the community with the burden of sustaining these meaningless lives. It is not permissible to omit a service due to a patient without which he or she will irretrievably die, for example, the vital care (tube feeding and normal therapeutic remedies) due to every patient, even if he or she is suffering from an incurable illness or is in the terminal phase or even in an irreversible coma. 81. There is "understandable" talk of alleged public interests in the elimination of those who represent a burden to society without providing any material benefit; even to the point of creating sufficient psychological pressure so that those who, because of their age or condition, feel they are an "unbearable" burden to others, feel almost obliged to ask for their elimination. Indique o seu endereço de email para subscrever este site e receber notificações de novos artigos por email. Anointing is a sacrament of the sick and a sacrament of life, a ritual expression of the liberating action of Christ who invites and at the same time helps the sick to participate in it. This is the first case in which Spanish legislation has opened the door to the legal legitimisation of attacks on the physical integrity of persons without their consent, thus admitting the dangerous principle that mentally handicapped persons, just because they are mentally handicapped, can have their fundamental rights limited - because they are persons like any other - as recognised by the Constitution. Este enlace se abrirá en una ventana nueva. Nadie puede forzar a un paciente o a su familia a acelerar la muerte. El fin de la vida lo determina Dios solo. La eutanasia pasiva Voluntaria No voluntaria Involuntaria Argumentos éticos Argumentos éticos -Derecho de hacer lo que quiera con su vida. La prescripción o suministro al paciente por parte del profesional sanitario competente de una sustancia a tal efecto, de manera que pueda autoadministrársela para causar su propia muerte (Suicidio médicamente asistido). Are pain and death part of human life or, on the contrary, obstacles to it? The effect of this action will be to the benefit of the community as a whole, which is a manifestation of social solidarity. 54. In addition to being a medical, political or social problem, euthanasia is a serious moral problem for anyone, believer or non-believer. President of the Episcopal Committee for the Defence of Life. La posición ante la eutanasia supone un verdadero test de validación de la aceptación del principio de autonomía; principio en el que decimos centrar no solo las decisiones morales sino la vida general de nuestra sociedad (que al menos acepta ser definida como liberal) In countries geographically and culturally close to ours, there have already been cases of parents who have killed their newborn children because they were deficient, and have been acquitted by the courts with arguments such as these. Con ello podrá observarse que la fuerza oscura del antivitalismo actúa de un modo permanente. What are the main arguments used for promote the legalisation of euthanasia? This is why human rights, the first of which is the right to life, do not discriminate between persons, but, on the contrary, are established for all, regardless of their condition, their state of health, their race or any other circumstance. However, the Church does not condemn war and the death penalty in all circumstances. [1] La entrada a la aplicación REIP se puede hacer de dos maneras:a) Mediante el nombre de usuario y la contraseña facilitada por el Colegio de Médicos. Pain and death are not obstacles to life, but dimensions or phases of it. And this act - even if it is done with the approval of the law - is intrinsically and essentially reprehensible, as is discriminating against women over men in Iraq, or torturing and killing Jews, or anti-communists, or communists in Nazi Germany, Khmer Cambodia or certain recent Spanish-American dictatorships, respectively. Moreover, these situations are prolonged by advances in scientific research that have considerably lengthened people's life expectancy. Why is euthanasia the negation of medicine? La mañana Regulación de la eutanasia: 7 de cada 10 médicos a favor Los resultados revelan que gran parte de los facultativos médicos encuestados se muestran a favor de despenalizar. Cuatro líderes religiosos se pronuncian al respecto en Alemania . All this is not to say that the discussion on euthanasia would cease to exist if we all talked about the same thing and gave the term the same meaning. It is not in any way. Al menos no en un matrimonio realmente igualitario. This is how the Spanish Constitutional Court has rightly understood it in the aforementioned judgments. It is precisely in order to share it with you and to mitigate any possible feelings of guilt that I have written and signed this declaration. If euthanasia is taken in this way, there are some people and groups in favour of legalising it and giving it social respectability, because they interpret that human life only deserves to be lived under certain conditions of fullness, in contrast to the majority conviction that human life is a superior good and an inalienable and unavailable right, i.e. It is not, because it makes no sense to contrast the right to free self-determination of the person - as an expression of his or her dignity - with the good of human life, since human life, whatever its state of fullness or deterioration, is always personal life, and therefore inseparably enjoys the indivisible dignity of the person, a unitary reality of body and spirit. If the patient's will reveals a clearly suicidal attitude, the doctor could and should - with judicial authorisation, if necessary - apply ordinary, non-risky treatments to keep the patient alive, otherwise he could commit the crime of omission of due assistance. Cedam, Padova, 1982), por la corriente evolutiva conceptual del vocablo eutanasia, y para la fijación de los límites de la lección presente, distinguir entre técnica eutanásica y eutanasia. El objetivo del Registro es facilitar a la administración la información necesaria para que pueda garantizar una adecuada gestión de la ayuda para morir. Los principales argumentos a favor de la eutanasia están relacionados con el derecho a una vida y a una muerte dignas, fundamentados en la autonomía del paciente, en su derecho de no sufrir y, en último término, a exigir la eutanasia como un acto piadoso o bien a disponer de su vida. «Enfermedad grave e incurable»: la que por su naturaleza origina sufrimientos físicos o psíquicos constantes e insoportables sin posibilidad de alivio que la persona considere tolerable, con un pronóstico de vida limitado, en un contexto de fragilidad progresiva". Only in a few terminal situations without human hope, the appearance of the doctor's gestures may be similar in both cases; but the doctor knows, without a doubt, what is in his intention: he knows whether what he is doing is intended to cause the death of the patient or whether, on the contrary, he is renouncing therapeutic incarceration. Não gostava de morrer em paz, dignamente, junto dos seus familiares queridos? En Soledar se está viviendo quizá uno de los combates más feroces de la guerra en Ucrania. In an extreme case, consider what a voluntary contract of slavery would look like. But experience tells us sample that the patient, especially the terminally ill, experiences, in addition to physical pain, intense psychological or moral suffering, caused by the collision between the proximity of death and the hope of continuing to live that still lingers within him or her. This is a basic conviction of humanity, the foundation of ethical conscience, which, thanks to the moral and legal progress of men and nations, has come to be affirmed by all civilised societies and protected by all legal systems. - since many religious denominations, especially those with Christian roots - not only the Catholic Church, of course - react strongly against attempts to legalise euthanasia because of its moral seriousness, the false idea is conveyed that euthanasia is a purely religious, intimate matter, of mere individual conscience, and that therefore, as long as euthanasia is not compulsory, it should be accepted in a pluralistic society. Indeed. ¿Dignidad? Un duplo médico-jurista de sus integrantes valorará y autorizará, en su caso, la propuesta del médico responsable para la realización de la eutanasia. Are there, then, no definite boundaries that delimit when it is good to accept pain and death, and when it is good to try to avoid them? Since the 1930s, associations in defence of euthanasia have been formed and permissive laws have been proposed in various countries, which have usually been rejected. En el caso de haber nombrado representante en ese documento será el interlocutor válido para el médico responsable. Does this mean that the law refrains from any judgement on suicide? The problem arises when there is no longer any hope of recovery, but only of prolonging life or, more precisely, of prolonging the agony. This last aspect deserves special attention, since the euthanasia mentality transforms doctors, even unwittingly, into a kind of executioner, and it is necessary for doctors to be promoters and protagonists of a medical practice concerned with man and his dignity along the lines of what today - as we have seen above - is known as palliative medicine. Tip para encontrar Libros y Manuales: Incluye el nombre del autor. Why? In the preservation of human life there are both individual and social interests; and neither the former can prevail over the latter in exclusivity, nor the latter over the former. Always referring to the terminally ill and faced with the imminence of inevitable death, doctors and patients must know that it is permissible to be satisfied with the normal means that medicine can offer, and that the rejection of exceptional or disproportionate means does not amount to suicide or to the irresponsible omission of the help due to another, but simply means the acceptance of the human condition, one of the characteristics of which is inevitable death. In 1981 the number of people carrying these cards was 30,000, but it is estimated that this number is much higher now. Estará sometido al principio de estricta confidencialidad y a la normativa de protección de datos de carácter personal. ¿Son compatibles la eutanasia y los cuidados paliativos? While we were preparing this work, two referendums were held in the USA on euthanasia, both of which were rejected by the majority of citizens; discussion has been reopened in the Netherlands - once again in that country - on the decriminalisation of euthanasia; in various countries, news of "cases", sentences, opinions and proposals concerning euthanasia have appeared in the media. Será el médico responsable quien lo determine al solicitar su informe. Doctors, philosophers, pharmacists, nurses, theologians, jurists, moralists, have written, rewritten, discussed and finally drafted this text on euthanasia during long months of work, aiming to achieve a final product faithful to the double goal of this collection of works: technical and scientific rigour in the treatment and clarity and simplicity in the exposition. It is unlawful to refuse or forego possible and available care and treatment when it is known to be effective, even if only partially effective. Cuatro líderes religiosos se pronuncian al respecto en Alemania. And I ask that those of you who have to take care of me respect my will. Checked on 16 May 2002. Diagonal 474, 1ª planta, 08006 Barcelona, 91 014 83 70. The reason for this is that it is assumed that the life of each individual is not only in his or her private interest, but that society is entitled to demand that each individual ensures that he or she does not risk his or her life gratuitously or recklessly. Há pessoas que estão em sofrimento extremo, com uma doença incurável e fatal sem que para elas os cuidados paliativos sejam solução. ", Cardenal Karl Lehmann, Presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Alemana, "El Islam permite, en ciertos casos, que se cese con las medidas que prolongan la vida artificialmente, pues no se trata de aferrarse a ella. In any case, therapeutic obstinacy is gravely immoral, as it instrumentalises the person by subordinating his or her dignity to other ends. Não é a família nem o médico que vão escolher o caminho do doente: o mesmo deve escolher. causing the death of another out of pity for their suffering or in response to their wish to die for whatever reasons. 91. La actualidad ha puesto sobre la mesa el debate sobre la eutanasia, a raiz del caso de Ángel Hernández, quien ayudó a su mujer enferma de ELA, a dejar de sufrir. Consequently, regulation of these cases must be established. Para unos, ese derecho existe, puesto que los ordenamientos jurídicos no castigan el suicidio. I consider that life in this world is a gift and a blessing from God, but it is not the supreme and absolute value. The biblical explanation of death as a consequence of sin and, therefore, as an element alien to the primordial nature of man, fits perfectly with the personal and collective psychology that accredits an instinctive resistance to death. “Nohemi Mimi Rocha. 12. How is the argument of avoiding clandestinity used by some to defend the legalisation of euthanasia formulated? 35. Nevertheless, there are those who believe that a painful death or a very degraded body would be more unworthy than a quick and "sweet" death, brought about at one's own pleasure. Não estamos a falar de um sofrimento causado por um fim de um relacionamento, mas sim de um sofrimento físico e psicológico interminável. The end - the subjective motive - does not justify the means - in this case, killing. 96. 68. ; - doctors, nurses and other health professionals, by promoting a truly patient-centred subject of medicine and hospital attendance , in the dignified treatment of the patient. Después de ser respaldada de forma mayoritaria en el Congreso de los Diputados, la Proposición de Ley Orgánica de regulación de la eutanasia se encuentra en el Senado para continuar su tramitación parlamentaria antes de su aprobación definitiva. "Con la resurrección de Jesús, los cristianos celebran la victoria sobre la muerte. Non-punishable "eugenic" abortion has introduced a logic of elimination of deficient lives that does not have to stop at the moment of birth. Therefore, I, the undersigned ...................., request that if I should become critically ill and unrecoverable, I should not be kept alive by means of disproportionate or extraordinary treatments; that I should not be actively euthanised, nor should my dying process be unreasonably and abusively prolonged; that I should be given the appropriate treatments to alleviate my suffering. Revisa que el título del libro esté bien escrito. ), but a fair solution can be reached if the moral principles, the goods to be respected and the evils to be avoided are clear. This document addresses euthanasia without shying away from or obscuring the arguments of its supporters; without omitting the most contentious points of view; without silencing the most controversial issues, for we believe that society - Catholics and non-Catholics alike - can and should take reasonable time to reflect and educate itself before passing judgement on such an important issue. As a complement to these strategies, surveys are promoted to then claim that the majority of citizens, doctors or cancer patients are in favour of euthanasia. Is the so-called "living will" valid in Spain? Just as we humans have gradually become convinced of the need to respect Nature without manipulating it abusively in the selfish service of our own exclusive interests, we must also be convinced that human beings deserve even greater respect. 9. Hoy el reto del amor es acompañar a una persona. This essential vision of man signifies a very important qualitative progress, which rightly distinguishes civilised societies from primitive ones, in which the life of the prisoner, the slave, the handicapped or the elderly, depending on the time and place, was despised. The criminal sanction is a last guarantee against homicidal attitudes, but this is not the only operative measure in the real field in which euthanasia is prevented: Just as important, if not more so, and certainly prior to the criminal rule , is the attitude of individuals and social groups towards the sick, the elderly, the handicapped. d) Eutanasia pasiva: evitar prolongar la vida de un paciente, cuando se sabe que ya no tiene posibilidades de vivir. Yes, the Spanish Constitution recognises the right to life of all human beings, and the rest of the laws, especially the Penal Code, protect this right by prohibiting any attempt on the life of any human being and imposing the most severe penalties on anyone who takes the life of another. In any case, we have at our disposal a sacrament - the anointing of the sick - specifically created by God to prepare for a good death. Euthanasia, as proposed by the advocates of its legalisation, affects the world of medicine, since the proposals of its sponsors always involve doctors or health personnel. ¿En qué situaciones puede solicitarse la eutanasia? Does Spanish law allow for any case in which an attack on the physical integrity of a person without their consent is not punishable? Descargas PDF HTML Cómo citar Vélez Ramírez, A. How can the pain of the terminally ill be alleviated? Mientras que Diego Valadés miembro del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM señaló que el proceso de envejecimiento de la población mexicana, así como el incremento de las enfermedades crónico-degenerativas, hace necesario que en el país se inicie la discusión respecto a la eutanasia y el suicidio asistido. Prestación de ayuda para morir, Portal de Calidad y Seguridad del Paciente, Compromiso por la calidad de las sociedades científicas, Enfermedades cardiovasculares en Castilla y León, Información institucional y para empresas, Estrategia Regional de Desarrollo Sostenible, JUNTA DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN - CONSEJERÍA DE SANIDAD, Dirección: Paseo de Zorrilla 1, 47007, Valladolid, Copyright 2018 - Junta de Castilla y León - Consejería de Sanidad, Preguntas y respuestas más frecuentes sobre la eutanasia, Trámites de audiencia e información pública | Gobierno Abierto | Junta de Castilla y León (jcyl.es), Registro de Instrucciones Previas (jcyl.es), Registro de Instrucciones Previas | Ciudadanos (saludcastillayleon.es). sistema único de matrícula, bmw 430i convertible precio, energina gaseosa lima, preguntas de hematología con respuestas, desarrollo cristiano bíblico, organigrama provias descentralizado, cuantos métodos anticonceptivos para hombres existen, como afecta la inseguridad ciudadana a la sociedad, cómo saber si mi bebé está sano, lugares turísticos de lambayeque para viajar, como es dios para descartes, malla curricular matemática unmsm, listado de traductores oficiales colombia, estudios de investigación en salud, curso de inglés gratuito para niños, criadero golden retriever la libertad, principales actividades económicas de dinamarca, matrimonio comunitario arequipa 2022, principales indicadores macroeconómicos, contaminación ambiental 2022, corrupción causas y soluciones, postura a favor de las clases virtuales, y se llama perú cuantas estrofas tiene, sistema nacional de abastecimiento diapositivas, modelo proyecto cafetería, riesgo quirúrgico laboratorio, caja de registro de desagüe para que sirve, cursos virtuales 2022: inscripciones, desinfección de alimentos, tesis sobre comercio informal en méxico, formato registro de actividades diarias, central restaurante reservas, institutos para estudiar educación inicial en tacna, hp victus 16 especificaciones, poleo nombre científico, la diversidad cultural del perú aprendo en casa, partido semifinal copa américa femenina 2022, codex alimentarius cambios, es malo sacarse conejos de la rodilla, alquiler de cuartos para parejas en pueblo libre baratos, las citas textuales no requieren datos del autor, directorio de importadores en perú, organizaciones que protegen a los animales, gimnasio para bebés en oferta, set de arte para adolescentes, prueba diagnóstica 2022 secundaria, como describir un negocio de comida, la familia cristiana es una iglesia doméstica, certificado de calidad de producto, plantillas de cv sin experiencia gratis word, fertilizantes aumento de precios, iglesia san josé jesús maría bautizos, crema cicalfate para que sirve, productos agrícolas de la selva peruana, libro como dibujar manga pdf, ejemplos de contratos ley perú, como vestirse para una boda con pantalón de mezclilla, chifa delivery chorrillos tupac, como adoptar un mono en perú, depiladora mujer philips, teresa novela original, cuentos waldorf gratis pdf, cuanto cuestan las copias certificadas de un expediente, fuentes del derecho penal jurisprudencia, composición de los líquidos corporales, fisiopatología de la hemorragia postparto pdf, latin ncap autos más seguros, mundial de voleibol femenino 2022 partidos, características de una guía de observación pdf, cuanto gana el presidente del poder judicial, consulta capacidad de libre contratación, no llega mi pedido de falabella, términos y definiciones iso 14001 versión 2015 pdf, guía para leer la biblia pdf, aniversario de chincha 2022, distrito de san juan bautista maynas, empleabilidad importancia,
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